Forgive Them, Father
The hardest people to forgive are those men called to be our spiritual fathers and shepherds who are blatantly and publicly inflicting wounds on the mystical body of the Church.

Saints Walking Among Us
Gaining a cozy, daily familiarity with a handful of the old saints can alleviate some of the depression and loneliness we might feel in the present often unfriendly environment of our Church.

By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them
In our increasingly all-present welfare state, we must realize that working for our daily bread is not a necessary evil but a means to ensuring man’s dignity and humanity.

The Anti-Human Humanitarians of Davos
The World Economic Forum, with its impressive collection of CEOs ranging from Pfizer to Facebook to Black Rock, as well as senior representatives of all major heads of state, has become an anti-human, globalist shadow government.

Casting Down the Strange Gods

The Vatican Assault on Religious Life Claims More Victims

Forgive Big Brother Seventy Times Seven Times?

The Truest Ghost Story Ever Told
Nestled in West Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, the town of Middleway boasts a ghost story that rivals the most famous haunted tales. What makes this haunting stand out is that it is a Catholic story.

Mothers of Men

That Hideous Strength: A Prophecy for Our Times

Perelandra: Dreadful Good and Reasonable Evil

Out of the Silent Planet: A Guidebook Against the “New Normal”

Pillaging the Monasteries: The Vatican’s Hidden Financial Scandal

Boycott Disney to Save Your Child’s Soul

Disney Has Been Corrupting Kids for Decades
Disney has been quietly and steadily paving the way for the new normal of identity politics for almost forty years now

Recovering the Betrothal Ceremony and the Churching of Women

The Beauty of Austerity

Why is the Vatican Assailing Contemplative Life?

The Power of Poetry in The Hobbit

Alone Among Mine Enemies

What is the Role of Women in the Church?
I think we were all heartened by the news of new sanctions on “women’s ordination” in the Vatican’s newly revised canon law.

Tending the Garden

When Scandal Hits a Newman Guide College

A New Carmel

‘Believe Science’? You First

There Is No Vocation to the ‘Single Life’

Tolkien’s Witness to the Good News
The other day, I found myself in a cramped waiting room dominated by a television much too large and loud for the space.

Dating in a Modern Waste Land

The Disposable Modern Hymn

Parenting in the Image of God

Waiting for Miracles
When I was a kid, I found a book that featured dozens of Eucharistic miracles. I was enraptured by the dramatic situations that led up to the glorious moment when a host dripped blood or turned into human flesh before an astonished congregation.

Easter and the Cultural Pagans

The Chaos of “Consent” Morality

A Spiritually Meaningful Lent After Mardi Gras

Re-Asserting a Feminine Tradition

The Crowns of Our Mother Mary
In 1422, a young Franciscan novice was distraught to realize that as a Franciscan, he could no longer bring a crown of roses to a statue of Our Lady every day, a habit he had cultivated since childhood.